We specialize in pelvic floor therapy, pregnancy and postpartum care located in Saco & Scarborough, Maine.

Discover freedom through mindful & healthy movement to guide you on a unique journey towards healing.

We get to the ROOT cause of your condition helping you achieve your goals through physical therapy, occupational therapy, yoga & acupuncture.

Our mission is to provide compassionate individualized care for lasting relief, empowering you to move and live well through all stages of your life.

We are deeply committed to a whole person approach and will meet you right where you are.

our services

Pelvic floor therapy Root To Rise
Physical Therapy Scarborough
Acupuncture in Scarborough


Together, we will create and execute a personalized therapeutic pathway towards YOUR specific goals.

With my clinical background, as well as my personal journey with postpartum recovery, I am dedicated to helping people of all ages optimize their pelvic health, discover freedom through mindful movement, and return to things they love to do!

What to expect during an internal pelvic floor exam and internal manual treatment

If you’ve been referred to pelvic floor therapy or if you know someone who has received this care and you’re wondering what to expect from your first visit, we wrote a blog about everything you can expect here! Recently, we’ve had a lot of questions about the “internal part” of  the pelvic floor exam and treatment. 

If you’re also wondering what this means, check out our latest blog post by Dr. Jenn!

Planning for your birth? Sign up for Stage 2 of Labor ~Pushing & Your Pelvic Floor Workshop!

With Dr. Jenn of Root To Rise PT and Alayna Marchessault of The Passage Doula

Announcing our amazing monthly offering and collaboration coming to our Scarborough location!

We will help you show up for your birthing day with even more confidence about your baby’s journey and how you can feel more prepared.

Podcast Interview

Opps..I leaked! Let’s Chat About Incontinence Mainely Wellness Podcast An Interview With Dr. Jenn

  • what our patients say

    I can't begin to express my gratitude for Jenn. I was 5 months postpartum from having twins and I knew my core strength was weak and at the time didn't realize my pelvic floor was as well. Intercourse was painful, but I thought this must be what happens after carrying two large babies at once! I had a cesarean birth. I get tears in my eyes when I think about that moment in time, and Jenn gave me back so much more than strength in my core and pelvic floor. I was able to feel like myself again. I was diagnosed with a little over two finger width diastasis recti, and pelvic dysfunction. Jenn made me feel comfortable and listened, she recommended exercises, and yoga movements to help repair and gain core strength back. She is a true professional. Her practice is gradual and methodical, and compassionate. I noticed progress every week in every area. In less than a year, I was running a 10K, back to my exercise classes, I could strongly lift my babies out of their cribs and I felt like I could confidently be intimate with my husband again without feeling anxious of the pain. Jenn is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend her!


  • what our patients say

    I am so thankful Jenn was part of my support team postpartum. The combination of pelvic floor PT and gentle yoga each week allowed me to heal safely and with confidence after a c-section. Jen treated me with compassion and humor, along with skilled manual therapy, biofeedback and strengthening in order to meet my goals. Her passion for what she does is inspiring as a patient and a friend. Thank you Jenn!

    - Laura

  • what our patients say

    I am so thankful Jen was part of my support team postpartum. The combination of pelvic floor PT and gentle yoga each week allowed me to heal safely and with confidence after a c-section. Jenn treated me with compassion and humor, along with skilled manual therapy, biofeedback and strengthening in order to meet my goals. Her passion for what she does is inspiring as a patient and a friend. Thank you Jenn!

    - Mary

  • what our patients say

    “I have known Jenn for 3+ years and during the course of these years I have had physical therapy with her for two separate issues. I find her to be professional, personable and caring. The physical therapy for both issues was a huge success. I highly recommend Jenn for physical therapy!”

    - Doreen

  • what our patients say

    Jenn is a highly-skilled physical therapist who has an amazing knowledge of how to integrate traditional PT with yoga, mindfulness and healthy body mechanics. I came to her during pregnancy with my second baby, and continued with her postpartum. She not only helped to alleviate my terrible lower back pain but also shifted the way I moved throughout the day, helped my posture and gave me an exercise routine that built my strength. Jenn also strengthened my yoga practice to be more sustainable and provided me with inputs that helped me understand the best way to align my body in postures. She is amazing!


  • what our patients say

    I had the pleasure of working with Jenn to diagnose and treat my diastasis recti, and learned so much from her about the proper way to move my body and heal my diastasis at the same time. She took into account all aspects of my life - work, kids, exercise, etc and came up with suggestions and modifications for all movements I would be doing. Her experience as a yoga & barre instructor complements her skills as a PT, and she provided me with invaluable tips for modifying my own yoga and barre practice to support a healing diastasis. Jenn is always friendly and welcoming, immediately making you feel at home during appointments and in yoga class!

    - Caroline